Worm Of Frozen Rimini X1 Pexeo Ready'x

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Recommended retail price : €28.50
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The Rimini worm is certainly the most imposing worm in the Mediterranean. It can reach 2 meters for almost 500 grams! Please note: it's a carnivorous worm, there are few in the world! But even more important for us fishermen, it's a formidable and resilient bait. It gives off incomparable scents, ideal for sparids (breams, porgies) and bass in surfcasting. Tips: it's a bait to use in sections of 2-3cm that you lash with very fine elastic thread to maintain a lengthened shape. Keep the product frozen in a cooler for optimal quality.

• Storage Life: 1 to 2 years in the freezer (-18°)
• Defrosting: In sea water just before baiting
• Size: average 80cm
• Packaging: 1 piece (about 30 "bites")

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