Seaguar, part of the Japanese group Kureha Chemicals, is none other than the inventor of fluorocarbon as we use it today, the first line in this material was made in 1971! Since then, Seaguar has become one of the most famous monofilament brands in the world. Seaguar is still one of the only brands to produce its own raw material for the production of its fluorocarbon lines, the polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF). This advantage allows Seaguar to play on the very properties of the material to offer increasingly technical fluorocarbon lines adapted to various fishing conditions, from trout and other predators in finesse fishing to the largest shock leaders in Big Game in Seaguar fluorocarbon. One of the best examples of Seaguar's know-how might be its famous FXR fluorocarbon. With this line, the brand manages the feat of combining technical properties of fluorocarbon and nylon that are difficult to reconcile, allowing for finer fishing and optimal presentation of your lures or baits.