Hats, neck warmers and gloves Aftco

Gloves Gums Aftco Wire Max Kevlar
Gloves Gums Aftco Wire Max Kevlar
  From £73.87
RRP*: £73.87
Gloves Gums Aftco Utility
Gloves Gums Aftco Utility
  From £28.22
RRP*: £28.22
Man Gloves Aftco Release Kevlar
Man Gloves Aftco Release Kevlar
  From £40.67
RRP*: £40.67
Man Gloves Aftco Glove Short Pump
Man Gloves Aftco Glove Short Pump
  From £24.07
RRP*: £24.07
When winter comes, whether you fish at night or very early in the morning in mid-season, it's important to wrap up well. Thus, you will find on pecheur.com an incredible amount of beanies made of fleece, wool, merino, but also neck warmers that can be transformed into headgear, warmer or less, let's not forget about gloves of all ranges to face the cold! pecheur.com also offers you a wide range of fishing clothes: fishing jackets, fleeces, shirts, jogging pants, boots, hats, socks, UV protection clothes, as well as waders and fishing vests.

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