Created in Japan in 1995 by Hisahiro Matsushita, the DUO brand specializes in developing high-end fishing gear, particularly in the manufacturing of lures. Despite years of success, DUO has not strayed from its initial concept: to offer lures of the highest quality! Production is still carried out in Japan, the DUO brand's country of origin, with a highly skilled and globally recognized workforce. Conceptualized by renowned Japanese designer Masahiro Adachi, DUO lures continue to build an impeccable reputation among the fishing community and within the fishing industry in Japan. Highly regarded for its expertise, the Japanese firm DUO owes its fame to the formidable effectiveness of its swimbaits and other fishing lures, as well as to the immense quality of its finishes, carefully crafted down to the smallest detail. With hundreds of lure models in its catalogue, DUO continues to innovate, offering new exceptional lures each year for the delight of fishermen!