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The Amegari brand was created by two Spanish sea fishermen who used to carve high-performance wooden lures for tuna fishing. They focused on surface-floating paulownia wood lures (rotproof, resistant, strong and light) because nothing is more satisfying than a surface hit, and paulownia is magic for the action. In the meantime, they also improved the lures looking for the best action. And that's where the name Amegari comes from: what drives the fish to the surface. Then, the brand focused on the durability of paulownia lures. That's why each Amegari lure goes through an amazing number of steps: 2 first layers of varnish focused on hardening the wood and preserving its natural buoyancy, then two additional layers of epoxy, deep sanding, painting, 2 x layers of urethane, then application of foils and holography, painting, another layer of epoxy, (brand stickers, model and eyes), 3 x layers of epoxy, secret epoxy treatment, secret treatment, water sanding, 3 coats of urethane, water sanding, and 3 other coats of urethane, water sanding, and yet 3 coats of urethane (It takes at least that !!). This is 12 days of treatment and then 10 days of curing for hardening. The result is a hard and elastic coating thick enough to resist triple impacts and even simple ones because the brand now uses the single hook much better to release the fish and capture it more easily. The Amegari sea lures are controlled since they are all different. Very close, but different: everything is made by hand even if machines can also help obviously. Several copies of each month of production are checked so that the action is perfect. The aim with Amegari is to stay close to what the creators love most: fishing, and fishermen, to share the same values: casting as if there was no tomorrow, taking the time to make prototypes and continue to travel everywhere. Therefore, the production quantities are limited to about 200 lures per month.
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