Spinning Rod Illex Pepper X5 S 2502 Ml Magic Stick

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Recommended retail price : £580.17
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The PEPPER S 2502 ML MAGIC STICK is a two-part rod specifically designed for ultra-fine fishing of perch, chub and trout from the shore: medium and large rivers, mountain lakes, reservoirs. Its length will allow you to project at a very good distance and animate with precision small micro jigs or light lead heads for meticulous scratching fishing (MAGIC SLIM SHAD 2 and 3, MAGIC MAY FLY 2.6). Fast and vigorous, it perfectly meets the criteria required for this type of fishing or other techniques called "Finesse" with soft lures (Weightless, Light Drop Shot, Light Neko rig, Light Split Rig, Wacky Rig, floating insect 'WOODLOUSE', sinking insect RV-BUG 1.5). It also allows the use of dense lures like undulating spoons (NATIVE SPOON 2.5g to 7g). To improve its sound, we have streamlined the heel and selected a reel holder to provide an unrivalled feel. Its solid tip offers tip sensitivity, its progressive action will arouse your senses on bottom configuration and the slightest tap. Its additional vigour allows this model to be at ease when using 'small minnow' or 'small crankbaits' preferably. It is also recommended for light sea fishing known as "Rock Fishing". It is made up of the new top-of-the-range X5 blank, which adopts a pre-impregnated webbing process with a three-angle carbon fibre orientation. This PEPPER becomes lighter, more resonant and more powerful for an increased pleasure and efficiency. It is assembled from the FUJI TORZITE TITANIUM "K" ring series. Thinner and lighter, in order to perfect the transmission of information to the blank, to optimise casting distances and the lifespan of your line, to eradicate any risk of your line tangling in the rings during casting, regardless of the conditions encountered. It comes with a silkscreened cover and a rigid cordura protective tube.
Ideal power: 2-6grs - Max power: 10grs

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