Squid Jig Yamashita Egi Oh Live Search 2.5

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The EGI OH LIVE SEARCH combines all the latest technologies to attract squids and thus become the ultimate weapon for cephalopod fishing:
Sound effect + LumiIts GLOW (shiny) base makes it detectable by squids even at very long distance.

Concept 490 : Its GLOW (shiny) base makes it detectable by squids even at very long distance. The ultra specific drawing of a line with unique bluish components generates waves of a length of 490Nm (Nanometer) whose luminescence irresistibly attracts squids. (a classic phosphorescent generating 550Nm)

These researches in squid perception of bioluminescence have been carried out in cooperation with associate professor Miyazaki Taeko from the MIE University Graduate School & Faculty of Bioresources.

Concept SEARCH :
It took nearly three years of intensive and thorough research for the YAMASHITA Group and the University of Tokyo to finally complete their studies on the auditory behavior of the squid! The results of this study have been implemented in the new Egi Oh LIVE, named "SEARCH".

This study highlighted the frequency band perceivable by the squid, but especially the frequency perceived by squids corresponding to the flight of a prey, ultra sensitive frequency that excites the squid the most. (Knowing that certain frequencies have the opposite effect and make them literally flee!). This frequency is around 600Hz, knowing that the squid perceives from 400 to 1550Hz, with a predominance of the lowest frequencies. For skeptics, you can contact the "Nihon University biological resources / Sciences Marine Living Resources laboratory", division with which this research was conducted!

Like all Oh Q Live, the Search 490 is covered with the WarmJacket, reducing temperature loss to imitate that of a prey in its natural environment!

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