Recommended retail price : €48.30
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Set large box PROWESS.
This kit of boxes very complete and flexible will enable you to effectively store all your small equipment and your accessories of rigs.

Set storage (Dimensions in mm):
- 1 large box 365 X 300 X 55mm
- 1 mini 1 compartment 105 X 65mm
- 1 mini box 2 compartments 105 X 65mm
- 1 mini box 3 compartments 105 X 65mm
- 1 mini box 4 compartments 105 X 65mm
- 1 mini box 5 compartments 105 X 65mm
- 1 mini box 6 compartments 105 X 65mm
- 1 rig box 340 X 80 X 25mm

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