Pate Of Coating Starbaits Performance Concept Spicy Salmon Paste Baits

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Spicy Salmon
or €6.27 per unit from 2 identical items purchased
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Enriched with marine extracts, concentrated hyper-soluble fish, vitamins and essential minerals necessary for the good development of fish, in order to obtain a bait of formidable efficiency, especially on massive or long-term (ALT) baitings, making fish almost 'addicted' without any risk of saturation! Its association with a mix of cryo ground spices (to preserve all their virtues) rigorously chosen for their appetitive and digestive functions causing a strong stimulation of the fish's metabolism, has thus allowed us to obtain a boilie with more instant action (also ideal for spot fishing)! Note the presence of a high proportion of high quality salmon meal selected for its richness in essential fatty acids, enriched with Robin Red Haith's (the original !!!); all boosted by a powerful concentrated amino acid, you get a balanced bait with high digestibility particularly intended for the hunting of specimens: the SPICY SALMON !!! Its 'crunchy' texture will greatly facilitate the work of additives in the water while bringing to this bait an intense mimicry with the natural food environment of fish!

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