Recommended retail price : €60
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75 x 112
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Photoluminescent and fluorescent : visible at any time night or day, the Life Flag enables a quick and effective location.
Available in distress and diving flag. Innovative process Photoluminescence process combined with fluorescence optimizes
the location by night or day, in all weather conditions. 5 minutes exposure to a bright light = 8 hours of photoluminescence.

- Safety : excellent visibility by night or day, immediate spotting even from airplane.
- Easy to use : quick and easy fastening with shock cords, fully operational
when flat or hoisted.
- Economic and eco-friendly : durable safety equipment, recyclable. No other energy
source required other than light.
- Quality : made in France, non-polluting manufacturing process with solvent-free,
water based printing paste. French patent. LNE certificate.

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