Lead Clip + Swivels New Generation Technipeche - Pack Of 10

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Lead clips + connectors + swivels + bait stopper new generation TECHNIPECHE.

the lead clips are manufactured in a new indestructible matter.
This new process allows our clips to support any lead at cast; it is the equivalent of an acceleration of 15 G for a lead of 100gr.

the “carry-leads” invented by Technipêche allow to leave the assembly without lead on the dismounted rod. These carry-leads or “safety clips” also allow to fish with a rig in Lead Core 45lbs for the new types of rigs.
These carry-leads or clips were studied to accept swivels n°4 or n°6 which will give a auto-striking rig.
In the event of tear or of breakage, lead will be released.
Made in France(EN)

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