Groundbait Mondial-F Super Big - 1Kg

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or €4.50 per unit from 2 identical items purchased
1 kg (Pack)
or €4.50 per unit from 2 identical items purchased
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Very rich groundbait specially designed for carp, crucian carp, bream and other large fish in all waters. Given its very large size and specific fruity aroma, our specialists advise you to wet it with half a liter of warm but not boiling water and let it rest for 30 minutes. Then adjust the wetness of your groundbait by adding about 15 cl of water. Beware, the groundbait then becomes very sticky with a very pronounced sweet taste. For combined use with, for example, Bio Mix, we advise you to wet it with 1.5 liters of warm water, let it swell and then slowly incorporate it into the dry Bio Mix by mixing with a whisk as you would with TTX.

Usage :
• Bream : 3/4
• Carp : 4/4
• Roach : 1/4

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