Dropper Starbaits Performance Concept Dropper Rs1

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or €9.26 per unit from 2 identical items purchased
or €9.26 per unit from 2 identical items purchased
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RS1 brings together a combination of the most deverstating carp catching ingrediants. No one can doubt the
performance of Robin Red (Haiths) and Crayfi sh meal extract (Starbaits).
Both these ingrediants have been crafted together along with some of fi nest complimentary ingrediants creating a
pure carp catching machine of a bait. During tests of this bait anglers reported outstanding catches often quoting
multiple catches when normaly a single caught carp was the normal occurrence.
RS1 is a combinatin of Robin Red and crayfi sh meals in association with various vegetable extracts and refi ned
mineral compounds generating a pure carp catching machine.

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