Chest Pack Volkien Tactical Edge Chest Pack Travel

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Recommended retail price : €70.80
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Dimensions (cm)
Price before tax
49 x 38 x 15
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The Tactical Edge CHEST Pack Travel is a combination of Chestpack, Chestbag, and backpack.
It can be used in 3 different versions:
1/ BACKPACK: The smaller part clipped over the larger one, to create a multi-zone backpack.
2/ CHESTBAG: The smaller part clipped to the larger one, but in front, it is then positioned on the chest.
3/ CHESTPACK: By clipping the neck strap, the smaller part becomes an independent Chespack, and the backpack can also be used alone.

• Frontal 29 x 25 x 5 cm
• Dorsal 49 x 38 x 15 cm

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