Dvd - Perches, Sandres Et Autres Percidés Technique, Traques, Observation - Pêche Des Carnassiers - Vidéo Pêche

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Two approaches allow to make an assessment of the knowledge acquired, on percidés, manners, biology and mode of fishing:
At the time of a fishing trip to Strasbourg, Nicolas Dupuis, guide-monitor established in Alsace, evokes with his/her friend Cédric Clauss his season spent to track the pike perch and the pole in France: fish with sharp, the pull knob, the lure; all the techniques are put in work to delude these odd and difficult fish.
On its side Mathieu Dupuis, the brother of Nicolas, is also interested in percidés. But, as an impassioned naturalist, he prefers to observe them rather, plunge with them, and to study their behavior than to fish them.
“the pole was always present in French water, which makes some most famous of our percidés. But it is not only representing this family. It is also necessary to take into account the grémille, rarer, Apron, threatened of extinction, and finally the pike perch, which makes its appearance in our rivers as of the end of the 19th century. ”

Directors: Nicolas DUPUIS and Bertrand LENCLOS
Made in France(EN)

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