Dvd - Le Gard Et Ses Black-Bass - Pêche Des Carnassiers - Pêche En Lieux Mythiques

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The department of Gard, located at the South of France, gives an extraordinary opportunity of fishings of the black-bass, fish which does not cease arousing near the fishermen a growing interest.
It impassions more and more young avid fishermen of strong feelings, for which fishing is only one sport and where it is not any more the result which counts but the way of reaching that point!
Because this fish of exception can give to its adversaries of the wire to twist to delude it initially, but also to resist its capers. The brawl is always explosive and guarantees an intense pleasure!
It is in the area of Nimes that the best sectors are to seek this fish. It is the low valley of the Roach, low Vidourle and the channel of Capettes in the Camargue.

- Director: Tajana Gerald
- Duration: 50 min
- Format: DVD 5
- Standard: PAL 4/3
- Zone: Multi
- Sound: Mono
Made in France(EN)

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