Dvd - Jigging Avec Jérôme Bertrand - Pêche En Mer - Vidéo Pêche

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Recommended retail price : €16.70
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Director: Christophe PERRAY
fishing with the jig unloads on our coasts, allowing us to measure itself with a multiplicity of species, quite as violent as the others: sérioles, sabers… will be into different with go. Come to discover through this DVD, a sport fishing, irresistibly fun, where the efforts are generally rewarded by epic fight. rigs, behavior of adversaries, animations… a melting-pot of easy ways to maximize your chances of success. Feelings strong guarantees!!!

- duration: 77mn
- format: DVD 5
- standard: PAL 16/9 color
- sound: stereophony
Made in France(EN)

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