Soluble Boilie Starbaits Probiotic Pro Banana Nut D-Solve

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Recommended retail price : €23.70
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Using the same components and implementing the same quality criteria as our performance concept and probiotic baits, the D-SOLVE have been developed to allow you to set up soluble particle priming that will dissolve on your spot between 4 and 6 hours. The dissolution time will vary depending on the water temperature and fish activity. Their easy assimilation and attraction power will allow you to quickly attract carp while keeping them sustainably on baited areas. Often used in competition, D-SOLVE is a must for attractiveness!

A real treat for carp! That's how we could summarise the Banana Nut, the latest addition to the Probiotic range. It's well known that carp is a very curious fish and it's from this observation that we've developed the Banana Nut. Formulated from powerful banana flavours coupled with some attractive elements from the famous tiger nut and an intense sugar, this innovative boilies will stand out in the natural environment, thus quickly deceiving the sought-after fish. A lure effect as olfactory as it is visual thanks to its yellow colour which will contrast with the bottom. Its brittleness gives this bait an instant diffusion and this in all seasons even in the coldest waters. As for the rest of the Probiotic range, we have established strict specifications for the selection of natural ingredients and derivatives to make Banana Nut a high-quality bait. To face all situations, you'll find all the variations of products like dip, pellets, pop-up, wafters... Like hundreds of carp caught during the test period, it's your turn to fall for the BANANA NUT!!!!

Lifestyle Carp

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