Soluble Boilie Starbaits Pro Peach & Mango D-Solve

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Recommended retail price : €23.70
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Using the same components and implementing the same quality criteria as our performance concept and probiotic baits, the D-SOLVE have been produced to allow you to set up soluble particle baiting that will dissolve on your spot between 4 and 6 hours. The dissolution time will vary depending on the water temperature and the activity of the fish. Their ease of assimilation and their power of attraction will allow you to quickly attract carp while keeping them sustainably on the baited areas. Often used in competition, the D-SOLVE are a must for attractiveness!

The Pro Peach & Mango boilies have been formulated to offer you a bait rich in nutritional elements recognised by the fish as a potential food source! Based on the formulation principles of the Probiotic range, the Pro Peach & Mango is composed of natural derived ingredients (such as: yeast; betaine; liver; minerals; oils that fish need) rigorously selected for their quality to make the Pro Peach & Mango a high quality irresistible bait for carp. The Pro Peach & Mango can be used for long-term baiting (ALT) or instantly thanks to the use of the attractant dip!

Lifestyle Carp

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