Radio Vhf Navicom Rt750-V2 Avec Antenne Gps Integree

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Product standard EC - French Distributer - Note in French - customer service distributer - Guarantee 2 years distributer.

It acts of a supplemented RT-550 of the Bluetooth function which enables to rock the ringing and the call of a cellphone on the VHF. Other favours in navigation: this system of relay wireless gives the opportunity of storing cellphone GSM in a dry and sheltered place, inside the boat or in a tight pocket. When a ringing starts in the loudspeaker of the VHF, it is enough to press on the Bluetooth key of the VHF to transfer the incoming call from the mobile phone towards the radio portable and to communicate with the correspondent.

- DSC: Yes
- Sealing: IPx7 in frontage
- Dimensions (mm): (H) 72 X (L) 167 X (P) 157
- Finely in French: Yes
- Weight: 1.2 kg
- Power of emission: 1/25 W
- Range: 20 to 30 Miles
- Power supply: 10,8à15,6 V DC
- Consumption standby: 0.3 A
- Consumption in emission (25W): 4.8 A
- Consumption in emission (1W): 0.8 A
- Standard of screen: LCD
- Retro-lighting of the screen: Yes
- Frequencies: 156.8 to 163.6 MHz
- Dimensions (mm): (H) 72 X (L) 167 X (P) 157
- Modes: simplex and semi-duplex
- Many channels: 55
- Many memorable channels: 55
- private Channels: 60 programmable machines
of it - Programming ATIS: Yes programmable
of it - Squelch machines: Automatic
- Sensitivity: 12dB < 5%
- Exit NMEA0183: Yes
- Approval: RTTE
- Guarantee: 2 years
- Gross weight: 2.10 kg

Functions VHF:
- 2 levels of power adjustable 1 and 25 Watts
- Customizable display
- emergency Call
- Call of group
- individual Call
- Double standby
- Machine-position indicator
- Indicating level of emission and reception
- Calls summary
- Memorizing the last call
- Adjustment volume alarms
- Adjustment beep volume touches
- Scan memorized channels
- Scan of the priority channels
- Scan all channels
- direct Key of access to the channel 16
- Keys with BEEP porgrammable
- Triple standby

- VHF RT550 BT
- Clamp and serrated roller of fixing
- electric Cable
- Cable NMEA
- Cable for external HP
- Screws and bolts

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