Paste Mystic

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Recommended retail price : €8.20
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Fluo Rouge
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Mystic: bait impossible to circumvent!
Mystic proposes a range of coloured pastes which replace the traditional baits of pole fishing.

the pastes Fluos are very effective in turbid waters during the periods of risings, in deep water and also for basic fishing. Also at sea excel result in the ports.

pastes MYSTIC are easy to go up, are due well to the hook, they do not run and are insoluble in water. Nonperishable, well closed again stopper, they will be able to be kept very a long time. Can be used only, or in addition with other baits (excel result on the worms, the maggots, etc…).

the Advice of mounting
1. To place a drop of paste on the curve of the hook.
2. To draw to make spin the paste.
3. To roll up around the pole until the line of paste yields.
4. The paste almost entirely recovers the hook.
Made in France(EN)

Lifestyle Coarse

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