Pack Pole Rod With Jointing Garbolino Uk Power Performance Match

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A new concept in the UK series, the UK POWER PERFORMANCE MATCH has been specially designed to offer a 16-metre pack at a price-quality ratio that will suit most anglers. This rod has everything to please anglers practising in fisheries, but also savvy leisure anglers. Thanks to its stated power, it will never fail, even in the face of intense carp fishing. Perfectly balanced, it allows excellent line control, including the shortest or lightest, and even at full length. The "Quick Ship" finish and its reinforced elements make it a very pleasant tool to handle - The ultra-smooth coating and powerful kits will allow you to fish with confidence and accumulate more weight in your keepnets. A package offer as complete as possible for an excellent price-quality ratio.

Reference GOMCK8707:
PACK UK POWER PERFORMANCE MATCH - 16m00 Rod + 5 K2 EXPRESS POWER ELC Kits + 1 K2 cup kit + 1 mini extension 13m00/14m50/16m00 + Sleeve

A shorter version of the popular UK POWER PERFORMANCE MATCH created specifically for anglers who do not need a 16 metre rod, but still want the same levels of quality. This pack is also aimed at those who prefer to use compact K1 ELC kits for surface or margin fishing. It is the ideal weapon for savvy enthusiasts and all those who fish intensively with the long rod in fisheries.

Reference GOMCL8708:
UK POWER PERFORMANCE MATCH PACK - 13m00 Rod + 2 COMPACT K1 ELC kits for the surface + 3 COMPACT K1 COMPACT ELC kits for the margin + 13m00 mini extension + Sleeve

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