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This range of GUNKI DOTS spinning spoons has been developed for exploration in streams, small and medium rivers. The curvature of the "nail" type palette, coupled with a through fitting on the axis, optimizes an immediate and constant rotation of the spoon, regardless of the speed of recovery, without it ever "pulling too much" once it fully takes a current. Every size spoon 0-1-2 is offered in two weights "L for light and H for Heavy): You can thus adapt to the positions (low water flow, deep pool...etc) by passing more or less high in the water layer while capitalizing on the spoon size (volume of water displaced/vibrations emitted) that has triggered the most touches. All DOTS spoon models are mounted with a rolling swivel to limit line twisting. The hook is connected with a split ring which allows you to easily customize the spoon according to your needs (single hook, without barb, replacement of a dull hook...etc). The color coordination between the palette, the beads, and the teaser is precise and is based on target signals, adjusted to optimize a spoon attack in the right place!
These spoons are divided into three categories: - The "NUDE": the "classics" without paint and without a trailer. Silver, copper or gold colors are unbeatable & ultra-effective. Always have them with you! – - The "SPOTTED": they combine touches of colors on the palettes and colored weighting beads to give birth to "color codes" that trigger aggressiveness and better target demanding fish attacks. - The "FLY": the hook is decorated with feathers and other assembly materials which gives it more volume and life in the water.(vibratory supplement). This teaser increases the spoon's buoyancy and limits snagging in weeds.
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The payment in several times/deferred is available via our partner Alma. The security of the payments is ensured by Alma and its providers. All payments are protected by 3D Secure.
Amount of purchases
P3X : Only purchases between 50 € and 5 000 € are eligible for payment with Alma.
P4X : Only purchases between 50 € and 5 000 € are eligible for payment with Alma.
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