Hemostatic Forceps Medhybride Exercice It-Clamp

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Recommended retail price : €91.30
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The iTClamp from Innovative Trauma Care represents the latest advance in battlefield haemorrhage control - the leading cause of preventable death in combat. For self-help or companionship, this is an intuitive wound closure device, easy to apply and combat ready, which controls severe bleeding within seconds of application during "Care under Fire".

Practically painless, the iTClamp seals the wound, creating localized and hands-free pressure that swiftly forms a stable clot and prevents any further loss of blood. Localized pressure remains the simplest and most proven way to control a severe haemorrhage. The application of the iTClamp is intuitive and, with minimal training, every fighter can instantly treat a potentially fatal haemorrhage that does not lend itself to a tourniquet.

There is no comparable product for "care under fire" or situations where a tourniquet is not applicable. The iTClamp® is easy to use and can be applied within seconds using a single hand.

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