Float For Baits Unicat Adjustable Bone System

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Recommended retail price : €40.90
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The bone rig is probably the simplest and most effective method of fishing for catfish from the bank. There's nothing more effective for large, experienced catfish than a naturally moving bait. The Uni Cat Adjustable Bone system acts as a floating body (float) and at the same time as a flexible and extendable arm that allows a bait fish to swim naturally (not statically). As soon as the bait is set, the rig can be cast or transported to the fishing spot using the two-rod technique. A previously fitted heavy bottom lead is then placed exactly beneath the bone rig at the bottom of the water, securing the rig, even in weak currents. The bait fish, leech or bunch of earthworms is presented just beneath the surface. The bone is also equipped with glow stick holders for better detection of bites at night.
• Glow stick holder for 39 x 4.5 mm
• Secures the rig even in light currents
• For a direct presentation beneath the surface
• Suitable for bait fish, leeches or a bunch of earthworms
• Allows realistic fleeing behaviour of the natural bait
• Transportation length: 110 cm
• Extendable up to approximately 175 cm.

Lifestyle CatFish

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