Dvd - Le Sanglier Et Ses Chasses : Best-Of Tirs - Chasse Du Grand Gibier - Vidéo Chasse

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Realization: Olivier Coudeyre
the wild boar hunter must know and observe certain rules which concern ethics and the respect due to the animal. Moreover, the knowledge of the anatomy of wild boar and its varied reactions functions of the impact of the projectile (physical indices and visible materials) are essential. In this film:
- vital points of wild boar;
- anatomical Knowledge useful for the hunter;
- behaviors of wild boar in the event of attack by a ball (explanatory animations);
- An infinity of scenes of hunting and wild boar shootings in France, Croatia and Tunisia;
- superb carried out current dogs impassioned by the pet peeve.
This enormous wild boar, naturalized by F. Hugues, was killed by D. Guérini west of Romania, near the Hungarian border, in November 2000. It measured 1,10m with the tourniquet for 280 kg.
Its trophy, gold medal, was with dimensions 133,7 points.
the rules which concern ethics and the respect. The knowledge of the anatomy of wild boar and its varied reactions functions of the impact of the projectile. In this film:
- vital points - anatomical Knowledge - behaviors of touched wild boar - An infinity of scenes of hunting and shootings - superb carried out current dogs.

- duration: 55mn
- format: DVD 5
- standard: STAKE 4/3 color
- sound: mono
Made in France(EN)

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