Dvd - La Saône Et Ses Silures - Pêche Des Carnassiers - Pêche En Lieux Mythiques

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In November 1966, 29 small silures, coming from the Danube, were introduced into a pond located in Saône-et-Loire. During a draining, twenties of them were released clandestinely in the Saone Morte. They colonize at once the Pail, an affluent of the Saone, then the Saone itself with Mâcon, Châlon, then in the region of Lion.
Jean-Claude Tanzilli, guide of fishing which in the years 1990 revolutionized the fishing of silure by making known it like a formidable fish of sport, tells us the history of a true demographic explosion of this fresh water giant and takes stock of the researches which he undertook on this fish, his behavior, his manners and his acclimatization in our water. A testimony seizing…
We also follow Olivier and Christophe, two young guides which practice on the course located in Gold Coast, length of a hundred kilometers and which knows in this moment an increase in its populations of silures.

- Realization: Tajana Gerald
- Duration: 50 min
- Format: DVD 5
- Standard: Stake 4/3
- Zone: Multi
- Sound: Mono
Made in France(EN)

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