Dvd - Chasse Sanglier N°2 : Les Chasses Du Sanglier : Spécial Battues & Spécial Affût Approche - Chasse Du Grand Gibier - Vidéo Chasse - Pack Of 2

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DVD n°1 - SPECIAL MOUNTING, APPROACH: Observation, discretion and strategy are the main words of these modes of quiet huntings where the hunter is of “too”. Then, imagine accompanied it by a cameraman! This film, dedicated to difficult and pure huntings of wild boar, will enable you to understand all qualities necessary to lead to the finality of the shooting, but especially, subtleties of observation, manners, wild boars and the development of the essential directions to trap it. You are alone vis-a-vis the wild boar which, with the naturalness, knows your presence. It is with you not to be considering, not to be felt, not to be heard. It is that hunting for the approach and the mounting! With you to be more crafty one that the pet peeve!

DVD n°2 - SPECIAL BEATEN: Beaten are always convivial great moments. Security instructions with returned honors with the animal, all is in this film with relevant information and the live shootings: manners, strategies of trackings, camouflage, dogs, research with blood… The cameras walk on the lines and seize the jumps and the shootings of several wild boars in front of the posted hunters. Vibrate over the magic moments of observation, decision for selective shootings under your eyes. Superb catches of sight in mediums open for the beaten extraordinary ones to the pet peeve always crafty one and courageous vis-a-vis the dogs and with the hunters.

• Realization: Christophe PERRAY
• Batch of 2 DVD
• Duration: 98 min

Caractéristiques DVD
• Format: DVD 5
• Standard: Stake 4/3
• Zone: Multi
• Its: Mono
Made in France(EN)

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