Dvd - Brochets Difficiles Avec Marc Dupuy - Pêche Des Carnassiers - Vidéo Pêche

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On a lake in boat, two experienced fishermen track pike. By this beautiful day, it is difficult to find. Our two fishermen will prove to us that with determination and knowledge to make, one can make a beautiful fishing even when the pikes are little mordeurs. They fish with a simple rig by using several types of lures (flexible, of surface, chad, buzzer, spoons, large lures…) and thanks to the limpidity of water, one can observe animation specific to each one of them of which they specify their use. They give advices on the choice of bottoms of line in braid, the rods and the winches. And of course, they indicate to us the good spots with recognizable pikes according to the aspect of bank and the invisible spots using a echosondor.


*Director: Guy Prouin
*Duration: 59 min


*Format: DVD 5
*Standard: PAL 4/3
*Zone: Multi
*Sound: Mono
Made in France(EN)

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