Dropper Starbaits Add It Dropper

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or €10.74 per unit from 2 identical items purchased
Recommended retail price : €11.30
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20 days for returns
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or €10.74 per unit from 2 identical items purchased
Butyric acid
or €10.74 per unit from 2 identical items purchased
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Add-it droppers are simply put a high quality liquid that enables you the angler to customise your own
tastes and smells for Add-it pop ups, or any other pop ups you may need to recharge. Just a few drops
dripped over the pop ups and a quick shake will create a super unique hook bait for you, just follow
instructions on the label. Choose from the several fl avours and combinations available, if you want to
create an even higher unique smelling/tasting pop up try using two dropper fl avours and mix together.

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