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Le ZAYON est l'alternative parfaite à une casquette. Ce chapeau est spécifiquement conçu afin de vous fournir une protection solaire maximale pendant les longues journées chaudes, à terre, sur votre bateau, votre float tube ou toute autre embarcation. Le ZAYON dispose d’une mentonnière réglable pour sécuriser votre chapeau lorsque vous faites route à vive allure ou lorsqu'Éole prend des tours. De larges grilles latérales éviteront toute surchauffe et une aération maximale pendant des heures, tout en vous protégeant le visage, les oreilles et le cou. Un classique revisité, ultra tendance, efficace et léger !
No data is stored by FUGAM/PECHEUR.COM, but it may be stored by the service provider in accordance with its banking obligations.
Payment in installments with Alma
The payment in several times/deferred is available via our partner Alma. The security of the payments is ensured by Alma and its providers. All payments are protected by 3D Secure.
Amount of purchases
P3X : Only purchases between 50 € and 5 000 € are eligible for payment with Alma.
P4X : Only purchases between 50 € and 5 000 € are eligible for payment with Alma.
By paying in installments with Alma, the Customer does not pay any fees.
Alma is a telepayment manager and issues an electronic certificate that will be considered as proof of the amount and date of the transaction in accordance with the provisions of articles 1316 and following of the civil code.
Any termination of the T&Cs between the Seller and the customer will result in the termination of the UGCs between Alma and the customer.