Wobbling Spoon Pyrénées Leurres & Co Spoonfish - Fario Réaliste V2

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Pyrénées Leurres & Co
Recommended retail price : £7.39
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Fario Réaliste V2
Fario Réaliste V2
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Very massive and elongated, this flutter spoon casts very far, especially for the 7.7g. The Spoonfish possesses a very aggressive swimming action, entering semi-rotation on swift retrieval. Due to its very high density, you won't waste time: it sinks very rapidly, while nervously fluttering on the descent.

This is THE product to enrage salmonids. Swift retrieval, brief pause, energetic lure action or even in linear, everything suits it as long as there's liveliness in the moves. This simplicity in lure action makes it a decoy suitable both for beginners and confirmed anglers, aiming for active fish that will react out of hunger or reflex.

The speed that this spoon confers allows not to waste time: it fishes biting fish while prospecting or on position (in mountain lakes). With its thin curve, it easily breaks through water layers, ideal for fishing in medium and large rivers when there is a lot of current or depth.

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