Ultrasonic Repellent La Ferme De Beaumont Transonic

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La Ferme de Beaumont
Recommended retail price : £83
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Dimensions (cm)
Price inc VAT
16 x 8 x 8
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The most effective of our ultrasonic repellents,
Pests leave because they can't adapt to powerful ultrasonics with a constantly changing frequency,
Their environment becomes hostile because they can no longer hear potential dangers and vacate the premises,
Effective repellent against rodents (rats, mice / visible results in 2 weeks) but also ticks, fleas, spiders, crawling insects depending on the chosen mode,
Safe for humans and other animals (cat, dog, fish, bird, chicken),
Metallic casing, 2 loudspeakers,
• Dimensions 16 x 8 x 8 cm.

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