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Table Rock Shad
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Lure supspending Bevy minnow 40 SP LUCKY KRAFT.
Small fish swimmer of 3,8 cm for 2,0 grams. It is a true lure to be animated. The particular shape of its body enables him to make irregular variations with the least request. Containing balls of glass, sonority is really particular and rather acute.
Our Opinion: A true eel!! One never knows some too which side it will leave. Its action of swim during animations is really very erratic and causes very large answers of predator which react very well to the distress calls of fish forages. More particularly adapted to the small predators: salmonids and percidés, you will be surprised by discovering the capacities of this lure on predators of larger size.
- Length: 38mm - Weight: 2.0g - Depth of stroke: 0.3m - Action: suspending - Lure pre-rigged with hooks triples