Surfcasting Rod Italcanna Vitium

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Recommended retail price : £532.86
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New three pieces rods researches, design and development continues for Italcanna that is trying to always better combine power, sensibility and easy casting skills. We accepted the challenge to design a rod that was extremely easy to cast with in spite of the great butt power (similar to Vector C3) but with a tip diameter smaller than 2 mm . And more... that also was able to manage Ground castings. With this aim, after 7 prototypes, 10 months of designing (that still goes on for the new measures), strict tests and big efforts by our whole Team, the first VITIUM is born from the latin name here intented as "vice-sick for fishing..." All the models will be made with joint elements through the Italcanna patented REW-TAPER system to guarantee stability and endurance and realized with at least 6 different materials smartly mixed together also including the 400Gpa high module. The ultra sensible tip panders waves motion and gives better visibility to the small fishes and higher stability in fishing. Nanocomposites resins are used to increase the general resistance. Action with precise power distribution carefully calculated with specific softwares for a maximum performance in casting. Inox steel frame rings and anti-friction and anti-wear material inside. Specifically CR 150: First model out in the market, total length of 4,50m. Usable for many casting techniques, its better expression tho is in ground with 125g (even if can handle 150g) and in side with 150g. In above it is suitable for all the weights but we suggest to use it at its maximum with 175g. As you can see this reflects the new Italcanna philospy to indicate not the maxium weights (sometimes misleading) but the optimal weight for the different casting styles. Excellent sensibility with the small fishes and in fighting with big ones. For sure a polyvalent rod for both amateurs and professionists.
From May 2017 a new model will join the previous ones, a new Vitium 130g 4,94m long particularly suited for agonism but not only that. Light, powerful and easy is this new version, realized with high modulus carbon and Graphene in the central part. (for more info about Graphene we remind you of our presentation post on facebook at this link Graphene on facebook)
The performances of this new model will be 'way beyond' every expectation...

Lifestyle Saltwater

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