Rod Surf Penn Tidal Xr Multilength Hybrid Tip Lowrider

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Recommended retail price : £257.30
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The PENN Tidal XR Solid Carbon Lowrider rods are part of the brand new exclusive PENN Tidal surfcasting concept. The Tidal XR Solid Carbon lowrider are very thin rods designed from a light blank made with a mix of 30T and 40T carbon. Their responsive blank is also equipped with X-wrap carbon technology, which allows for an even more powerful blank that reduces its torsion at the same time. This thus improves long-distance casting capabilities as well as casting accuracy. They are also equipped with a solid and very sensitive tip that allows to detect and not miss a slightest nibble. Finally, these models are mounted with Fuji Alconite Lowrider rings treated for sea use and an X-shrink specific handle. As you can see, these rods benefit from a very careful finish.

• Fuji Alconite Lowrider rings
• 30T/40T high modulus carbon blanks with X-wrap technology
• Solid and very sensitive carbon tip
• Very thin and very robust blanks
• Great abilities to cast a very long distance
• X-shrink casting grip handle.

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