AGLIA FLUO: their fluorescence very extremely brings a visual effect which makes possible pike to better locate its prey and to better adjust its yell. To choose Orange for clear water and “Charterhouse” for dark water.
LUSOX FLUO: for the broadest exploration and in all the plans. With its sealed, interchangeable, at the head: fish in the vertical plan until in more the great depths. Without its weighed down: fish close to surface and above herbaria.
COMET: nonchalant and disordered pace: to fish along the banks and between the herbaria. Handled rods high with sharp jolts, it will be maintained almost on the spot: very effective in the holes of unexplorable herbaria in rectilinear retrieve.
AGLIA: for fast and precise fishings with the short-nap cloth of all the obstacles. And also to use when water becomes agitated by the wind and the waves, conditions very favorable to the activity of pike.