Jig Head Gunki G'fish Screw

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From £4.31
Recommended retail price : £4.31
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These "screw-in" jig heads release the full vibratory potential of your bait thanks to a reliable and minimally restricting attachment. Unlike a "classic" jig head hook which stiffens the soft bait once inserted into its body, they ensure a "short" anchoring in the bait, thus liberating and intensifying its vibrations. Another valuable advantage of these models: it is easy to harmonize your rigs no matter the weight and size of the bait you will use. The different attachment points allow you to arm your bait "as you see fit", adapting the length of the leader and the hook size to the conditions encountered (large underweighted bait, small over-weighted bait, ventral rigging, dorsal...etc). Gone are the days of bent baits or baits sliding on the hook! Screw, unscrew, modify and adapt your rigs quickly and efficiently!

Help with choosing
BaitsJig Head HookTexas Hook
1 to 4 cm8 and 68 and 6
5 to 7 cm6 and 46 to 2
8 to 10 cm1 to 2/01/0 to 2/0
11 to 14 cm1/0 to 4/02/0 to 5/0
15 to 18 cm4/0 to 6/05/0 to 7/0
19 to 25 cm6/0 to 8/07/0 to 12/0
26cm and+8/0 and +10/0 and +
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