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COVERCREEP3.5-202 (Unavailable)
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Secret Smoke
COVERCREEP3.5-203 (Unavailable)
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COVERCREEP3.5-210 (Unavailable)
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Secret Black
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A compact jig compatible with the product cover produced by template manager Toshifumi Kikumoto. Standard small rubber jigs (small rubber) are hindered by snags and lack of resistance, making fishing difficult... Full-size cover jigs cannot make them bite... The Cover Creeper was created to catch high-pressure bass hiding under a thick cover.
A finesse cover jig the size of a bite that not only offers exceptional snag-free performance but also a moderate stacking sensation allowing you to effectively lure in the right spot of the pin, and has an incredible ability to make the heavy cover striped bass bite. Equipped with a solid 16-pound hook that will not move even when shaken. The Cover Creeper is a compact jig inducing bites that creeps over the cover.
The combination of snag-free performance and a moderate stacking sensation makes it perfectly suited for use in throws such as the slip-pull, the bottom bump, and swimming. If you combine an antlion with a trailer and perform a bottom jerk, you will get a side-to-side walking action, which will make your presence known to the bass.
A small-sized compact finesse jig (small rubber compatible with heavy coverage) hard to catch. • So that bass use their mouth because they do not like the volume of full-size jigs. • To attack the cover without hesitation, otherwise would get stuck with an unguarded or mono-guard Smolaba. • To deal with the forced interaction around the cover, which is difficult with the thin hook of the general smoraba.