Fly Reel Vision Nymph & Dry

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Recommended retail price : £232.32
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XLV Nymph, Nymph&Dry, Kust, Mama, Switch and Lohi.
These are custom versions of the XLV reels that best suit certain fishing styles.

The NYMPH # 4-5 reel is narrow and has a very wide arbour for quick line retrieval.
It has a full body.
The brake has been modified for thinner tips.

NYMPH & DRY # 5-6
Super narrow and super large reel for modern nymph and dry fly fisherman.
Thanks to the large diameter, you can quickly retrieve line to fight a big fish.
In terms of weight, this reel is designed to perfectly balance the longer nymph rods.
The drag is very smooth and the maximum power was not the key factor, so it's the perfect reel for thin tips.
The matte black look doesn't scare the fish.

The SWITCH # 8-9 is the ideal choice for modern Switch rods.
With its capacity, it takes almost any Switch line, regardless of whether it's a full line or a shooting head system.
The spool's weight is adapted to perfectly balance Switch rods from 11 'to 12'6 " long.

The LOHI # 9-10 reel is a sturdy and powerful addition to the XLV family.
It's the best choice for rods longer than 13 feet, its braking system is capable of counteracting all species of fish.
Thanks to its corrosion-resistant construction, it's also a more affordable option for sea use.
Its wide spool allows to store #10 to 12 salmon or sea lines.

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