Bark Control Collar Petsafe Vibration Vbc-10

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Recommended retail price : £74.62
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The VBC-10 Vibration Bark Control Collar has two primary features designed to shorten the training phase and promote good behaviour. The Bark Control Collar offers 10 combinations of Vibration Stimulation. When the dog barks, vibration is delivered from one of the two Vibration Points. The duration of the vibration is random, which interrupts the dog's bark. When used according to instruction the Vibration Bark Control Collar safely reduces and in most cases eliminates nuisance barking. The Vibration Bark Control Collar includes Patented Perfect Bark™ technology. It uses both vibration and sound sensors (dual-detection) to discriminate each bark from other external noises. This ensures your dog's bark is the only sound that will cause the stimulation. As a built-in safety feature, if your dog barks 15 times or more within a 1 minute 20 second period, the Bark Control Collar will automatically shut off for 1 minute.


For dogs of any size
Fits neck sizes up to 70 cm
10 combinations of random vibration stimulation
Perfect Bark® detection
Automatic Safety Shut-Off: Stimulation stops after 80 seconds
Durable and waterproof
Uses 1 3-volt battery (included)
Battery usually lasts 3-6 months
Good/low battery indicator

Lifestyle Hunting dog

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