Dvd - Secrets De Monheckbefestigungge Carpe Par 8 Pros - Llewellyn, Lebreton, Choinier, Giulio, Ydanez, Smith, Migeon Et Galtié - Pêche De La Carpe - Vidéo Pêche


CHF 16,92
Empfohlener Verkaufspreis : CHF 17,01
20 Tage Stornierungsfrist
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To make a success of its rigs well is one of the key elements of the carp fishing. They must be discrete and powerful to face the pressure of fishing. John Llewellyn, J-Marc Lebreton, Alban Choinier, Yann Giulio, François Ydanez, Mitch Smith, Nicolas Migeon and Gaël Galtié, fishermen recognized and impassioned show you in details their rigs favourite. In a way detailed by big closes-up, you attend all the important points of the manufacturing: components, rigs and nodes… for rigs of simplest with most difficult. The result is shown to you under water, from the point of view of carp, by images under navy. With you to play!

- Director: Pierre Prayer and Luc Mauduit
- Duration: 110mn
- Format: DVD5
- Standard: PAL 16/9
- Sound: stereophony
- Zone: multi
Made in France Métropolitaine

Lifestyle Raubfischangeln

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