Dvd - Sanglier Et Chevreuil Aux Chiens Courants - Chasse Du Grand Gibier - Top Chasse


CHF 14,35
Empfohlener Verkaufspreis : NC
20 Tage Stornierungsfrist
20 Tage Stornierungsfrist
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Two films carried out with the F.A.C.C.C. (the Federation of Associations of the hunters to the Current Dogs) are devoted to the hunting of wild boar and the roe-deer in the diversity of the areas, the biotopes, the animals of hunting, but also of the races of dogs.
the wild boar, mythical animal and often fears, allows enthralling huntings, with dogs courageous, tough, carrying out a large spectacle for our greater pleasure. To bring closer, the throw and carried out, are explained to you and put into practice. You will learn work from the dogs of foot, you will follow a team of rapprocheurs, you will take part in the training of the dogs and you will vibrate on hunting.
the roe-deer is increasingly present on the national territory, animal of hunting par excellence, rusant with wonder in front of the dogs. You will assist with uncoupled from two packs of Blue Griffins of Gascogne and a pack of large Saintongeois Gascons.

Réalisateur: Eric VOILQUIN
Made in France Métropolitaine

Lifestyle Ausstattung für Jäger

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