Dvd - La Traque Des Gros Sandres - Pêche Des Carnassiers - Top Pêche


CHF 14,48
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20 Tage Stornierungsfrist
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Three specialists in the fishing of the pike perch make us discover specific techniques in search of large specimens.

Comment to mislead their mistrust? How to catch them? Which method to use?

Tourné on the Saone, this report present with precision of the techniques such as deadbait rig, the pull knob, fishing with the squid, and the sharp one.

Of many pike perches is caught including one superb subject close to 10 kg.

Each one will find the advices which it needs for fishing for the edge, in boat and float tube for most sporting!

the large pike perches are trophies of exception. The large pike perches deserve themselves! Director: J-Philippe CURRY and Cyrille CUNY

Made in France Métropolitaine

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