Dvd - La Traque Des Gros Brochets - Pêche Des Carnassiers - Top Pêche


CHF 14,48
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Turned to Ireland and France, this report approaches the techniques especially intended for the tracking of large pikes.

Of the fishermen of reputation and the professional guides explains us the methods and the easy ways which make the difference.

Fishing with death posed. Fish with the lures. Fish with sharp. Fish with the drag.

documentary complete which will enable you to better know manners of large pikes in river or lake.

Of splendid catches is carried out, active to a giant of 1m27 for about fifteen kilos!

Of the rare images, of the fight of dream, the superb landscapes and invaluable information makes of this film an exceptional document. Director: J-Phille CURRY and Cyrille CUNY

Made in France Métropolitaine

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