Dvd - Lapin Et Lièvre Aux Chiens Courants - Chasse Du Petit Gibier - Top Chasse


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Two films carried out with the F.A.C.C.C. (Federation of Associations of the hunters to the Current Dogs) are devoted to the hunting of rabbit and hare in the diversity of the areas, the biotopes, the animals of hunting, but also of the races of dogs.
First of all, excels it work of the lapiniers (beagles, fawn-coloured basset hounds of Brittany,…) in brambles. You will appreciate the work of the drivers to keep assembled dogs and their joys of hearing one carried out their shouting and stirring up companions.
Then, you will discover impassioned hare, they survey the plain behind their dogs. You will appreciate the work of From the Ariège and you will vibrate with the récries of Blue of Gascogne. You will follow hunting in his entirety, thwarting the traps of hare, the dogs remaining assembled and stuck to the way.
a beautiful hunting carried out by a great pack, that can be as sumptuous as a symphony played by a full orchestra.

director: Eric VOILQUIN
Made in France Métropolitaine

Lifestyle Ausstattung für Jäger

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